Friday, January 28, 2011

Silence In the Room

You could have heard a pin drop in the Library at school today as our principle informed us that 7-8 people would lose their job next year.  Sadly, this would occur across district lines as we begin the process of cutting 21 million for two years.  I cannot quite explain what I felt, but know it was shared as whole across the school.  I honestly thought our principal was going to start crying, but she held it together and ended the meeting very fast.
So, since most of you are teachers or counselors, I wanted to say- utilize your voice and write your state representative.  Let them know your views on education and that downsizing (cutting teachers) does not constitute valuing the future.  This is one action that we have a choice to do-be heard!
Texas State Senator
Senate District 11--Senator Mike Jackson
Capitol Office: CAP 3E.2
Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0111
Capitol Address: P.O. Box 12068, Capitol Station
...Austin, TX 78711
Texas State Representative
House District 128--Representative Wayne Smith
Capitol Office: EXT E2.708
Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0733
Capitol Address: P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Common Cold

It is here-the common cold and it is running through all the peeps at my house.  I only had a small cold, aches, stuffing head, with no fever.  Unfortunately, my daughter is not so lucky, she is feeling pretty yuk and running fever.  We are drinking a ton of juice, and using the hand sanitizer in an attempt to stop it from passing on to the boys.  I was greeted this evening with, "mommy, I need a hug."  How funny it is to watch them revert back to a little one when they feel bad- of course I am always glad to wrap my arm around my babies anytime.

As for school, everything seems to be going smooth- I am caught up on my work and enjoying my classes.  As I write, I am also checking out the Iris Center for our next assignment (I read the due date was bumped forward).  I have enjoyed the Iris Center over the course of my studies at ASU and used it in my classroom countless time.  On another note- I was ssssoooooo excited when I got on my blog and saw I had two new followers- WELCOME!!

Off to do some school work:)

Monday, January 24, 2011


Well, I just went on my first counseling interview.  I wish I had wonderful news to tell you, but I was so nervous, I think I came off a little stupid.  They asked me questions about the Safe and Civil Act, 504, Behavioral Intervention and Crisis Intervention.  At the time, my mind was blank.  I knew it was a no-go when they asked "if I have a problem speaking spanish."  The good news is that I know what I need to ask our counselors at school to allow me to take part in, and might even start taking Spanish lessons.  I am looking at the experience as an opportunity to become a better interviewer:)


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Friday Night Basketball Game

Wow, this proved to be a long week-especially with extended days.  Isn't it strange how just staying an hour past your regular time teaching seems like an eternity.  I am so tired on those days.  Anyway, this Friday, my daughter had to cheer at a basketball game and then back to work to clean up after our "Snowball" dance for the students.  Needless to say, the game ran late and when we got to the school, everything was done-I felt bad for saying I would help and then not showing up.  Here is a picture of Shelbie, she is so cute and I am totally partial:)

This morning (Sat.) Shelbie woke me up bright and early (10am) to inform me we need to go the Red Lobster- she does this by sending me a picture of the Red Lobster sign.  So, 11am and we are off to eat lunch and then to Walmart for some odds and ends.  Later in the evening I found some time to sit down and read up on homework and do some discussion board assignments.  I am really enjoying my Dysfunctional Behavior class, even though it feels like a lot of assignments- most of them are just giving my reflections after reading and discussing it with my group.  These are the times I wish we could all sit around face-to-face and chat, you know, the more personal aspects that come from a classroom.

Okedoky, I have just blogged about my whole day-oh, except us watching the movie "White Bones."  Very interesting movie- I could probably use the "crazy small town" mentality in one of my class discussion, but will not take away from you guys watching it:)  It was slow, but had some mystery to it.  Now I have blogged about my whole day-off to bed, hope you all have a great rest of the weekend:)

-Peace out

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Quiet Evening

Got home around 6 o'clock today (have extended days on Tuesday and Thursday's) and the house was clean! Big sigh!!!  My kids cleaned the house and then seem to scatter, Garrett and Shelbie to a basketball game and Patrick to bible study-leaving me all alone in a clean, quiet house:)  Sounds like a perfect time to get some homework done and then take a hot bubble bath.

My work day went well, but there is a good bit of changing happening throughout the halls- I might have mentioned the alternative school that is housed on our campus in a previous blog or discussion board- anyhow, somehow the students are being placed into our classes and it is creating a great deal of behavioral problems.  One of our math teachers got nine new students this morning.  I am sure the bumps in the road will level out, but it just makes for those of us that struggle with change (like me) get a little anxious sometimes.  I learned many years ago that change was the one constant (second to the Lord) that was sure to happen and that I better learn to deal with it, soooo...I take deep breathes and press on toward the goal-to help student grow.


Monday, January 17, 2011

New Second Semester

Today has been a productive day- went to work at school for about four hours and spent time with my department going over TAKS scores.  Our students scored the lowest in vocabulary, so we are trying to find new ways to strengthen that area (am always open for suggestions).

To start the new semester, I laminated all of our academic vocabulary words and am planning on doing the same with a about thirty prefix/suffix/base.  Hoping that will start us on the road to closing the very large vocabulary gap and make reading easier or more meaningful.  Not sure if I mentioned that I am blessed to work with an amazing teacher (both of us on our second year)-we started at the same time last year and both found out that we were on our own.  It turned out to be a perfect match-her with superb organization skills and me being a little on the creative side.  God is good~


Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Early Hours

Hmmm, is anyone else having trouble logging in to ramport?  I cannot get on, so that means I cannot get to blackboard and work on my assignment. I knew I should have downloaded those articles-will do so first chance I get.  

Today has been a nice day filled with shopping, cleaning, visiting family (to buy fundraising candles-fun), going to the gym, and a late night snack at IHOP with my daughter, Shelbie and her friend, Kasey.

Tomorrow is Sunday and we are planning on going to church and then finishing up some household chores.  My sons have been camping this past week in Livingston and will be home tomorrow to start school on Monday. 
Both boys are carrying a fulltime load at the Community College and will be super busy.  This will be my oldest sons, Patrick, last semester before going back to Liberty University in Virginia, so we will have to make sure to have a ton of quality time.

Well, it is 12:25 and I am still able to get to Black board-I am just going to call it a night and try again in the morning.  Goodnight all.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Taking A Deep Breathe

So....Taking a deep breathe.  I have spent the latter part of this day trying to figure out issues with my blog.  Somehow when I first signed up, I used the email that is linked to my facebook-which created problems when I tried to follow someones blog.  After trying to unlink the two accounts for no less than three hours, I decided to delete my blog and start with a fresh gmail account.

Now that I am calm and everything is as it should be, I find myself thinking about how upset I felt for that short period of time, and over a blog nonetheless.  Even knowing I could email Dr. McGlamery and Monica (and I did-thanks ladies), I was so frustrated.  I simply felt helpless-that is until I called my aunt who works with websites and she helped me figure the problem out.  This reminded me how important it is be in relationship with others, not just because she helped me fix my blog, but because it was really nice to hear her say, "Racquel, I am here if you need."  We are definitely relational beings:)

Organizing My Days

When I got home today, my much needed "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,"  for my Dysfunctional Behavior class was on my front doorstep and I am pleased. 
I just love early release days- especially when I find myself laying on the couch relaxing in front of the fireplace reading up on who Emil Kraepelino and Wihelm Wundt were to psychology .  Unfortunately, the flames put me to sleep before I could finish reading.  It must have been a much needed nap.

Well, it is 4:30 p.m. and I need to get busy on my reading and then finish up my lesson plans that are due tomorrow morning.  I forsee a very productive next couple of hours, followed by some quality time with my daughter. 

Have a great evening~

Living Life Out Loud

The year ended for me on an exciting note.  In December, I traveled to San Angelo to participate in the December commencement ceremonies.  It was so amazing and worth every one of the 890 miles we drove. 

I live in Pasadena, Texas-about 35 miles south of Galveston, with my three children (Patrick-21, Garrett-19, and Shelbie-15, oh and our dog, Jude-9 months).  We have lived in the area for 10 years.


  My relationship with Angelo State University began in the summer of June 2009 as I entered the C & I guidance and counseling program.  My first two classes were a blended format and required me to be in class once a week-can anyone say ROADTRIP!!!  Off I drove every Monday to Fredericksburg for an 8 o’clock morning and 1pm class and back to Pasadena that night.  I was so tired, but enjoyed every single moment.  The remaining classes were completely online and made it possible for me to work, raise children and continue my education. As for now, I am working on the last three classes needed for my LPC.

Hmmm- the futureJ

I am hoping to get a job as a school counselor for the next school year and am planning (at this moment) to continue on for my PhD/ PsyD in Psychology-not sure which one yet, but figure it will become clear as I continue the down the path.

That’s all for now
