You could have heard a pin drop in the Library at school today as our principle informed us that 7-8 people would lose their job next year. Sadly, this would occur across district lines as we begin the process of cutting 21 million for two years. I cannot quite explain what I felt, but know it was shared as whole across the school. I honestly thought our principal was going to start crying, but she held it together and ended the meeting very fast.
So, since most of you are teachers or counselors, I wanted to say- utilize your voice and write your state representative. Let them know your views on education and that downsizing (cutting teachers) does not constitute valuing the future. This is one action that we have a choice to do-be heard!
Texas State Senator
Senate District 11--Senator Mike Jackson
Capitol Office: CAP 3E.2
Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0111
Capitol Address: P.O. Box 12068, Capitol Station
...Austin, TX 78711
Texas State Representative
House District 128--Representative Wayne Smith
Capitol Office: EXT E2.708
Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0733
Capitol Address: P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768
This is without a doubt one of the scariest times the education system has gone through in my 20+ years. Hopefully you are feeling secure in your current position. :)
ReplyDeleteHey Monica, it is a scary time. I am one of the last one hired at my school (this is my second year), but I am confident that should this door close, another will open. Either way, I am preparing.
ReplyDeleteRacquel, we received a similar email this week. It stated how much we had to cut, and that 73% of the budget is salaries. This is all very scarey! Thank you for supplying all of the pertinent addresses!
ReplyDeleteWoo hoo! It worked!!!! I had to turn on compatibility mode! I hope that's what did it, maybe it will keep working! :)
ReplyDeleteYes Chama, I am sure all district will be giving the talk soon and you are very welcome for the information.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad it is working-this blogging can be frustrating, but it is cool when we can communicate.
@Chama, those are the Pasadena reps. Check the local paper for your district's names and addresses. I never CAN remember ours - ashamed to say that.
ReplyDeleteIf you heard President Obama's state of the union address, he said,basically, if you want to do something for your country - teach. I'm hoping the federal folks will step in with some help. Higher ed is getting hit, also.
ReplyDeleteWe are also being faced with similar budget cuts in the Extension Service as well. If feel your pain!!