Saturday, February 26, 2011

Is Anyone Out There-Isn't that a song?

Oh, yes.  To find the time for blogging.  I have come to learn that blogging is much harder than I initially thought it would be.  I just find myself running out of things to blog about.  Do we need to focus on home life, work or what we are learning in school?

I will do all:)  Work is going well-next week is a review as our seventh graders will be taking the writing TAKS and sixth grade prepares for the last practice test.  As of now, I am still employed.  A coworking and I have been talking about the various emotions that are rising up in us and how that must be affecting the kids.  Some of the teachers (sad to say) have become a little "catty" with their prediction of who will get cut and why.  I am trying to stay away from the lunch room gossip and stay focused. 

With that being said, I was asked yesterday  to pick out two or three novels that I would like to work with next year, and the first thing that came to mind was: does this mean I will still have a job?  I later found out that they had already informed two of the thirteen teachers that they would not be renewing their contract (and asked them to not tell anyone).

It made me sad-I am finding the secrets bothersome-it just does not seem like it would fosters the teamwork necessary to be a strong campus.  Would love to hear any other perspectives on the matter, as well as any suggestions on staying positive during the course of the lay offs.

Okedoky, I am going to get ready for bed.  Have a great weekend and week.


1 comment:

  1. Racquel,
    We have teachers and staff at our school in an utter panic about the possible cuts. Our district announced last friday that they will be dipping into their own rainy day fund to help out with keeping teachers. The talk now is that admins and directors and such are more worried about their jobs then teachers.
    I also hate the "keep it secret for now" attitude. It doesn't make sense to me.

    night-night! :)
