Monday, January 24, 2011


Well, I just went on my first counseling interview.  I wish I had wonderful news to tell you, but I was so nervous, I think I came off a little stupid.  They asked me questions about the Safe and Civil Act, 504, Behavioral Intervention and Crisis Intervention.  At the time, my mind was blank.  I knew it was a no-go when they asked "if I have a problem speaking spanish."  The good news is that I know what I need to ask our counselors at school to allow me to take part in, and might even start taking Spanish lessons.  I am looking at the experience as an opportunity to become a better interviewer:)



  1. Racquel...what a wonderful opportunity to get some experience...maybe it wasn't as bad as you think :) hmmmm, I guess I need to look up the Safe and Civil Act too. Congrats on taking that first step!

  2. I am not too concerned about it being bad- I was just unprepared. Truth is, when I applied, I had no idea I would get a call the next day. I looked it up and it is material that guides the school on matters such as behavior and structure. I utilize much of the material (CHAMPS) in my classroom, just did not know it fell under Safe and Civil.

    Thanks for the encouragement.
